Summit Estate 2024 Verdelho

The wine was fined with Isinglass, you can read about it here.

2024 VerdelhoA slightly deeper straw colour than the 2024 Hidden Creek Verdelho. Lovely lifted aromatics of citrus and tropicals and including guava and pineapple suggest some excitement and genuine tang on the palate.

There is some green apple crunch in the acidity and late lemon rind on the palate, the late finish is a little mineral with a slight saltiness, before this some pineapple adds another layer to the complexity. There are early melon and pink guava flavours on the front palate swirling in some lime juice, the mouthfeel includes a little viscosity, just a little more than the 2024 Hidden Creek, but is mainly an invigorating dryness which continually refreshes your palate and asks for accompanying food such as Thai/Asian or seafood. Another interesting and fun Granite Belt Verdelho a friendly variety that will never do your head in but loves to party with you. I enjoyed this wine with some home cooked chilli chicken and before that with some Spanish Manchego Cheese.

Tasted: Tuesday 27th August, 2024 without food and then with over several hours.
Alcohol: 11.7%
pH: 3.39
Residual Sugar: 0.15 g/L
Yeast Only wild yeast was used and this has produced some great results
Closure: Screwcap
Price: $35
Suggested Drinking Window: Now to 2027
Wine Maker: Andy Williams
Fruit Source: Estate
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Posted by Peter Pacey

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